5 reasons your eyelashes might fall out (and what you can do about it)

Eyelashes have the power to transform our makeup look and our face in general. We spend time and money ensuring our lashes look full and voluminous and yet somehow they still manage to fall out! So what are the common reasons why eyelashes fall out and what can you do to help your lashes last longer and stay in the best shape and style?

Going to sleep in your makeup

Particles from your mascara and shadow can clog the hair follicles if left in too long. This can stunt the growth of the hair long term. Additionally if your mascara is waterproof or oil-based, this can damage the adhesive on your lash extensions and encourage premature shedding. We encourage our guests to use an Eyelash Foaming Cleanser and Foam Brush to clean their lashes each night to ensure makeup residue is removed. Also, should you use mascara, use water-based mascara sparingly on your eyelashes, preferably from the middle to the tips, avoiding the base of your eyelashes.

TOP TIP: We recommend using our Lash Lovers Eyelash & Eyelid Foaming Cleanser and Cleansing Foam Brush to keep your lashes on point!

Being unkind to your eyes

Lashes can easily fall out if you are overly zealous with your rubbing or scrubbing of the eye area. Eyelashes are very fine and can be ripped out easily from their follicles. It is always best to be as gentle as possible when working in the eye area.

Beauty regimen does not include Lash Conditioning Serum

You likely use conditioner on the hair on your head but many forget that your lashes, natural or extensions needs some conditioner love too! There are a number of great serum brands out there to try. We recommend our Lash Lovers Lash Serum available in the Studio.

Health challenges

Sometimes eyelash loss could be caused by an undiagnosed health condition. If you feel that you are not being overly aggressive with your eye cleaning and you are losing too many lashes, we would advise a visit to a dermatologist. They can investigate if there is something else going on and advise on next steps.

Life cycle of the lash

Lashes typically take around 6-8 weeks to grow back. There is no guaranteed way to speed up that natural process but following the suggestions above can help maintain your lashes and help you grow stronger and fuller lashes.


I have a stye on my eye, can I still do lash extensions?


Removing your eyelash extensions at home