Lash extensions are a great way to achieve glamorous looks. What’s more, they glam up your face without demanding extra attention. They are convenient and simplify your beauty routines. But how do you clean lash extensions at home?

Clean lash extensions last longer, and importantly prevent eye health issues. However, despite the many advantages, eyelash extensions aren’t easy to clean. The lash line traps all manner of dirt, be it makeup, oil, or dead skin. Dirt pile-up creates an ideal environment for bacteria growth.

You won’t see the dirt in a mirror. Eyelash dirt and dust are invincible without a magnifying glass.

When to Clean Lash Extensions

If you have oily eyelids, you should clean your lash extensions daily. The same applies to individuals who use eye makeup wearers. Clean your lashes twice or three times a week if you don’t have such issues.

Whenever you engage in physical activities like swimming, or gym sessions, you have to clean your lash extensions afterward.

You shouldn’t wet these extensions within 48 hours of their application. These extensions cure with time and become waterproof.

Substances like oil, salt, sweat, and chlorine will damage glue that holds your lash extensions together.

How to Clean Eyelash Extensions

It’s always a good idea to commence cleaning after your extensions completely cure after their first 48-hours. Below are steps on how to maintain lash extensions.

  • First, do away with your eye makeup. You can get rid of the makeup by applying oil-free removers using a wet cotton tip.

  • The next step is removing the foundation. Any cleanser without oil should do this job.

  • Proceed and wet your lashes with water.

  • Apply a tiny amount of lash shampoo on each of the lashes. Use a cleansing brush to apply this shampoo.

  • Gently rinse it off with water.

  • Pat the lashes dry with a towel (lint-free).

  • Use a clean mascara wand to create the perfect curl.

What to Avoid

  • You should never use glycerin and oil products while cleaning lashes. These products break down lash glue and cause the detachment of eyelashes. Oil products can be in the form of shampoos, eye creams, conditioners, cleansers, spray toners, moisturizers, to name a few.

  • Avoid wearing mascara or eyeliner, especially waterproof versions, whenever possible. The two make cleaning lashes very difficult.

  • You should never use cleansing water on your lashes. Micelles extract oil from your skin. Such oils are responsible for weakening and removing extensions.

  • Avoid washing your lashes using streaming water from the showerhead. This stream of water comes at high pressure and may ruin your extension.

  • It’s also advisable not to use cotton buds, sponges, and similar materials on your lashes. These materials will rip the extensions out.

  • Avoid vigorous cleaning of your lashes. Eyelash extensions are delicate. They may fall out if you rub on them with pressure. Instead, use a cleansing brush for gentle rubbing.

  • Stay away from harsh formulations that might irritate your eyelids.

The Dos

  • Mineral-based products are ideal for lash extension maintenance. They are the perfect alternative for destructive oil formulations.

  • Cleanse your lashes at least every other day. If you have oily eyelids, the care routine might be daily.

  • Wipe off any unsafe extension cleanser before rinsing your lashes with water.

  • Instead of cotton buds, dab with a tissue to remove makeover.

  • The best time to cleanse extensions is at night before retiring for bed. You eliminate all the day’s dust, makeup, dirt, oil, and debris.

  • Water does not damage eyelash extension. When learning how to clean lash extensions at home, you should embrace clean water. Water becomes an issue if you wet your lash extensions within 48 hours of their application.

Why You Should Clean Lash Extensions

The purpose of natural eyelashes is to protect your eyes from dust, pollen, dirt, and other debris. When you attach extensions, the lashes perform the same duty. During installation, technicians fix extensions a few millimeters from the lash line.

You’ll notice a small gap between the lash extensions and the lash lines. Over time, dirt, dust, dead skin, and every element the lashes block accumulate in this gap.

Cleansing your lash extensions removes and prevents the accumulation of dirt in the lash line.

The other reason is to prevent oil from wreaking havoc on your extensions. If you have oily skin or use oil products, the oil might sip to the extensions and slowly destroy eyelash adhesives. Frequent cleansing removes this oil and ensures your lashes last longer.

What Happens if You Don’t Clean Lashes?

Failure to clean your lash extensions will cause itchiness and inflammation in the eyelids. You’re likely to rub on your lashes all day long to soothe the itchy feeling. In the end, the extensions might drop off, and your eyelids might become sore.

Extremely dirty lash extensions cause blepharitis. Blepharitis is an infection that causes inflammation in the eyelids. When dirt and dead skin pile up in the lashes, they create a favorable environment for bacteria growth.

When bacteria overgrow, they create clusters known as biofilms on the eyelids. Bacteria biofilm attract parasitic mites known as Demodex. These mites feed on bacteria and dead skin. However, when they over-multiply, they cause redness, itchy skin, and painful eyelid inflammation.

Bacteria also release endotoxins. These compounds infect the already inflamed eyelid and cause further inflammation.

Although this infection isn’t life-threatening, it causes a lot of itchiness. You might be unable to use lash extensions for some time.

People who don’t know how to clean lash extensions at home might mistake blepharitis for eye allergy. Some of the symptoms that indicate blepharitis include:

  • White flakes in your lashes

  • Burning sensation in your eyelashes

  • Redness

  • Eye dryness

  • Watery eyes

  • Gritty feeling in eyes

Most of these symptoms become visible in the morning when you wake up.

Blepharitis disappears when you adopt a proper lash cleansing regimen.

Always contact your doctor if you think you have this infection.

Can You Use Baby Shampoo for Cleaning Lash Extensions?

You cannot use baby shampoo to clean lashes.

Most baby shampoos harbor oil and colors that might interfere with bonds found in lash extensions.

Baby shampoo is also harsh on eye skin.

Watch the video to learn how to clean your lash extensions.


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